Creative Builders is a full service Design-Build company that specializes in custom home renovations tailored to each client's unique taste and style. In 2007 Tomer Benyehuda started this custom home-building company that combined his talents as a general contractor, project manager, and designer. At Creative Builders, we strive to maintain a cooperative partnership with our clients throughout the entire home building process. We have structured our services so that we can assist in all aspects of decision making related to the development, design and construction process. We listen to our client’s needs, identify their personal style, and translate it into great spaces that reflect the people they are and the homes they envision for themselves. Creative Builders is a company that builds and renovates homes with an artistic eye and an innate sense of contemporary design. We work to know our clients on a personal level to produce a final product that is loved and cherished for years to come. We hope we have the pleasure of working with you one day to bring your home-remodeling project to life.
Creative Builders
6820 La Tijera Blvd. Suite 111
Los Angeles, CA 90045
P: 1.323.304.6389